Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Who Was John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 1958 Words

To begin with, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born into a politically associated and rich family of Irish-Catholics in Boston. Together with his eight siblings, Kennedy enjoyed an advantaged early years of elite summer homes, servants, sailboats, and private schools. All through his childhood and youthful stage, John Kennedy was a frequent sufferer of severe illnesses. That withstanding, he had a strong resolve and endeavored to make his own way. While striving to achieve the best out of his efforts, Kennedy wrote a record-breaking book during his college life at Harvard and then volunteered for other duties in hazardous combat during the Second World War in the Pacific. He turned out to be a hero in his wartime service. Later on, he joined†¦show more content†¦In addition, President Kennedy never signed any noticeable civil rights legislation. Nevertheless, he made a major contribution into the history of the civil rights, though with the benefit of hindsight. As stated before hand, President Kennedy hailed from a fortunate and rich Irish-American family. The family, all the same, had to leave the City of Boston prominently associated with them and carried on to the city of New York. The rich families that saw their Irish roots as discourteous and the wealth of the family as lacking class, held them at arm’s length while in Boston. Kennedy and his family had hoped that New York, being more cosmopolitan, would give them an opportunity of accessing high society. The emergence of discrimination and bigotry ought to have given Kenney some sort of imagined intellectual capacity concerning the nature of life for the Black Americans at that time. The opposite would seem to be true, nonetheless. John Kennedy placed political realism before any other kind of beliefs. The evidence of this was his decision to vote against the 1957 Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Act. In keeping with Giglio (102), the path from bill to act almost played a role of tearing apar t the Republicans. Members affiliated to the Democratic political party nearly united to a representative in their disagreement with the act/bill. In the 1960 election, Kennedy aspired to be the presidential candidate of the Democrats. If theShow MoreRelatedProfiles in Courage by John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1248 Words   |  5 PagesOne the most memorable presidents ever was elected in nineteen sixty one. He was the youngest president in the history of the United States. He was also the first catholic president in us history. Some people loved him and some people hated him. On November twenty second nineteen sixty three weather they hated or loved him everyone in the United States were shocked at what happened at about twelve thirty in the afternoon. 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